Wednesday 3 April 2019

Slowly Moving Ahead

My progress on my Apostle birds piece is slowly coming extra little bird as been added. I have begun working on the rocks and creeper in the piece. I am taking my time with it as I want to get it as close to what's going on in my head as possible.
Even though I am loving it, I really felt the need to have a little rest and work on something a little brighter.....and what could be better to brighten your day than a gorgeous rose....
I actually get a meditative benefit from working on these roses. I adore all the gradual shading and layers and the effort to try and achieve their delicate nature with a coloured pencil.
On the weekend I snapped the bark on these gnarled trees for reference.....I am crazy for a bit of tree trunk lol!

I wish you a creative day.
Namaste and Blessings Michelle xxx


  1. Gosh the echidna picture is really coming to life with the bits added and I love the shaded background... Lovely rose... it astounds me how you get the 3D look...


  2. You echidna circle is a beautiful composition, and I love that it is a personal memory. You sure are versatile : next we have a gorgeous pink rose. I do love to see your work - it is all so lovely. xx

  3. I enjoy seeing your work progress with each stage.

  4. I am enjoying following along on your echidna piece and the rose is beautiful. Fascinating bark. xx

  5. Beautiful rose Michelle, such pretty colours. So happy wayching your progress on the Echidna Circle.


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