Thursday 11 April 2019

A Bit Precious

As you know I love my art journals but truth be told I am a bit precious about them and this causes me not to use them as much as I would like. I prefer to use them as little pages of artworks to enjoy myself without any reason to exist except that they please me......
I have a beautiful journal which the cover doesn't allude to the lovely pages inside..
I will do something with that cover one day! But the pages are thick and smooth and I love how my pencils work on them.
I really want to use it more.....a chance browse through a fellow art friends new book inspired me enough to buy my very happy mail for me!
It's so full of wonderful tips and I am feeling excited to open my journal again and experiment with a few things.....I don't think that I shall ever get over  being a bit precious but it's a beginning!
I have finished my rose drawing and am now very happy with how it looks. Once again I had to pick my clever mentor Sandra's brain to remember how dew drops went lol! One day it will stick in my brain! As dewdrops and raindrops are favourites.

This pretty rose has a special purpose....ssshhh!
Echidna and friends is really giving my brain a work out. The foreground has had several interpretations.....which didn't thrill me.
Finally getting to be a bit closer to what I envisaged. Little echidna still needs to be hunkered down in his digging this space! Every piece goes through the arrrghh stage and this appears to be where I am at present.
Would I change it.....not on your life!
Namasteand Blessings Michelle xx


  1. Great to have that book to enjoy and I'm sure you will play in your own journal more... I love the apple you showed and your rose is so pretty... I wonder what you are doing with it? Been such fun watching Echidna Circle grow - I always think you are done and then you add to it and it looks even more magical!

  2. It is hard when there are so many lovely journals around. It would be easy to become a collector of them with out using them.
    Beautiful work as always. And the book looks interesting!


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