Friday 27 September 2019

Back at My Journal

Well I didn't expect to be posting again so soon but I am determined to get the 30 nature items CHALLENGE completed....NO piking this time around.
So here we go .....
I chose Autumn leaves...the ones that crunch and scrunch when you walk on them. They were delightful to do...Lots of layers and blending those gorgeous colours.

Oh boy so many to choose from....but a cheeky raccoon is it! I think they are so beautiful with their bandit masks.....probably wouldn't agree if they were in your bins lol!
A bit rushed....I was trying to draw it from a photo on my tablet....not the easiest but got a likeness and  hey only 3 more to go......yippee!
 Ok....drawing or stitching? Decisions! Decisions!
I wish you a happy weekend....however you choose to spend it.
Namaste and Blessings Michelle xxx


  1. Great work for your challenge Michelle. The leaves are gorgeous - they are reminding me of a photograph I took last autumn with the intention of drawing some of the leaves, maybe this year! xx

  2. Looking good. Well done for wanting to complete the challenge.

  3. Beautiful drawings Michelle, the leaves are beautiful colours and I love the raccoon. Cheeky little face. Well done with the challenge and that is a perfect saying at the end.

  4. Love them..they look great. Keep up your wonderful work. 🥰

  5. Those are lovely.... the leaves should be made into a fabric! Beautiful.


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